Lecture: birGit

a tool to rule git

birGit is an git tool that allows you to easily use the power of the command line in together with git. This softwares main focus is to bring down (multiline) long git commands to simple commands.

This talk will introduce you to birGit.
How to:
* use birGit
* expand birGit
* send birGit patches to the main project.
* how birGit was made with opensource in mind.

* is git comands that with out birgit is to complex to use.
* has an amazing easy to expand file/folder code structure
* returns results with atomic rows.
* is written in bash.
* is your source of power


Day: 2015-11-08
Start time: 12:00
Duration: 00:45
Room: C361
Track: Groundbreaking User Experiences



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